Program at a glance

Program at a glance (version of September 26, 2024) can be downloaded here

Detailed program is available at VSS 2024 Program | Start Page (

City Tour

A city tour is planned for conference participants with visiting the Grand Mosque and other places of attraction. Please note the dress code for visiting the Mosque and bring necessary clothes.


Plenary Speakers

Christopher Edwards

Bio: Christopher Edwards graduated from Warwick University in with a BSc degree in Mathematics. In 1991 he moved to Leicester University as a postgraduate student and was awarded a Ph.D. in Control Engineering in 1995. He began his academic career in the department of Engineering at the University of Leicester as a Lecturer in 1996. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2004, Reader in 2008 and awarded a Personal Chair in 2010, before moving to the University of Exeter in 2012 as Professor of Control Engineering. At Exeter he served as Director of Research (in Engineering) from 2015-2021 and is currently the Deputy Head of Department.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IMA (which constitutes chartered mathematician status). He is the author of over 400 refereed papers and five books: Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Applications (1998), Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control using Sliding Modes (2011); Sliding Mode Control and Observation (2014); Fault Tolerant Control Schemes Using Integral Sliding Modes (2016) and Variable Structure Control of Complex Systems: Analysis and Design (2017)). In addition, he co-edited the monograph Fault Tolerant Flight Control: a Benchmark Challenge (2010). He has supervised 16 PhD students predominantly in the area of sliding mode control, fault detection and fault tolerant control. He is a subject editor for the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, a former Associate Editor of the IEEE transactions on Automatic Control and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. He is currently Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Variable Structure Systems and a member of the IFAC Safeprocess Technical Committee.

Leonid Fridman

Bio: Leonid M. Fridman received an M.S. degree in mathematics from Kuibyshev (Samara) State University, Samara, Russia, in 1976, a Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the Institute of Control Science, Moscow, Russia, in 1988, and a Dr. Sc. degree in control science from Moscow State University of Mathematics and Electronics(MIEM), Moscow in 1998. In 2002 he joined the Department of Control Engineering and Robotics, Division of Electrical Engineering of Engineering Faculty at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico.

His research interests are variable structure systems. He is a co-author and co-editor of 12 books and 19 special issues of different journals devoted to the sliding mode control. In 2014–2018 he served as a Chair of TC on Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Control of IEEE Control Systems Society. He is a recipient of the Harold Chestnut Control Engineering Textbook Prize of IFAC for his co-authored textbook ’Sliding Mode Control and Observation’, winner of the National University Prize of UNAM in 2019 and Scopus Prize for the best cited Mexican Scientists in Mathematics and Engineering 2010. He was working as an invited Professor in more than 20 universities and research laboratories of Argentina, Australia, Austria, China, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, India, and Spain. In 2017-2022 Professor Fridman served also an International Chair of INRIA, France, and High-Level International Expert of Ministry of Education of China.

Igor Boiko

Bio: IGOR BOIKO received MSc degree in electro-mechanical engineering, PhD degree in control systems, and DSc degree in control theory in 1984, 1990 and 2009, respectively. Since 2014, he has been a Full Professor with department of Electrical Engineering of Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi. He has authored and co-authored over 250 publications, including 4 monographs. His research interests are in the areas of discontinuous control, robotics, sliding mode control, power converter control, process control, frequency-domain methods and PID controller tuning. Dr. Boiko has a substantial industry experience. He worked in the fields of process automation, instrumentation and process control for such companies as Honeywell, Syncrude Canada, Chevron Texaco, SNC Lavalin. He has important technological developments in the control of the Claus (sulfur recovery) process, deployed in a number of sulfur recovery plants, and methods of controller tuning, as well as theoretical developments in frequency-domain analysis and design of discontinuous control systems. Dr. Boiko is a member of the IEEE Executive Committee on Variable Structure Systems, an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology and Journal of the Franklin Institute.




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